BT-HM Hydraulic Holder

Features & Benefits
Runout Accuracy: High precision runout accuracy less that .00012" at 4xD.
Easy Clamping: Easily clamp HYDRAULIC CHUCK with one wrench.
Clamping Variety: A wide variety of clamping diameters and projections available.

Can using a hydraulic tool holder save me money?
Yes. Compared to any other tool holder type, hydraulic chucks can save time and ultimately money during setup or tool changes. The ability to unclamp/clamp a cutting tool securely with a single hex wrench is very efficient.
A minimum of five minutes can be saved with each tool change; multiply that by the average number of tool changes per shift and the savings accumulate quickly.
Why should I use a hydraulic tool holder?
As always, the type of holder you use will depend on all kinds of variables, from material to the number of axes. Instead of a nut, collet or temperature fluctuations, these holders compress an internal membrane with hydraulic fluid around the cutting tool.
Hydraulic tool holders' unique characteristics can be a good choice for a number of reasons:
The hydraulic membrane applies concentric gripping force for more control and consistency, which is especially valuable in high-speed machining.
Hydraulic chucks have a smaller nose diameter relative to the tools they hold. This is critical as these holders allow a further reach into mold cavities or other tricky work envelopes without sacrificing rigidity.
There’s also the option to have coolant delivered directly to the cut with hydraulic holders. This is ideal for smooth, stable finishing operations.
A single hex wrench clamps or loosens cutting tools for quick changes at the machine without any special equipment.
When should I use a hydraulic vs. shrink-fit holder?
These holders are often compared because the bodies lend themselves to low-clearance, tight-envelope work. Choosing between the two often comes down to these factors:
Initial investment – Shrink-fit holders generally cost less upfront but can cost more over time.
Maintenance – Extreme temperature swings and potential debris make maintenance very important for shrink-fit.
Training, handling and safety – Hydraulic chucks are simple as can be, with a single wrench, whereas shrink-fit requires special equipment and care to perform heating and cooling cycles.
Setup – Hydraulic chucks are set with a wrench. Most shrink-fit heating cycles can be as fast as 15 seconds and cooling can take several minutes.
Roughing or finishing – Shrink-fit holders are extremely rigid, making them effective in moderate to heavy milling or high-speed cutting. Hydraulic chucks are superior for milling, reaming and drilling.